Akashic Soul Tribe

Bi-monthly Akashic Records Group Readings

for Our Intimate Soul Tribe!

Our next session is

 Monday, October 7, 2024


What is the Akashic Soul Tribe?

Are you curious about the vast abundance of unconditional love messages available to you in the Akashic Records?

Do you desiring a safe space to be supported and heal at the investment of less than a drip coffee per day?

Do you see community to grow together with via the POWERFUL guidance of the Recordkeepers and Guides of the Akashic Records?

Then this is FOR YOU!

The Akashic Soul Tribe is a bi-monthly gathering over zoom with recordings. In these 2 sessions per month, I read the Akashic Records of our intimate group of souls. The readings will be solely from the Akashic Records of those subscribed to the group. So whether you make it live or catch the replay, the messages are for you, personally!

And BONUS, individual messages will channel through for members of the Akashic Soul Tribe too!

The Akashic Soul Tribe is a beautiful, powerful gathering to give you that consistent, uplifting support and healing only available in the Akashic Records twice per month for a song. Move through all the seasons of your life with ease with the healing vibrations of the Akashic Records. Be supported to flow smoothly through personal challenges, from career shifts to relationship dynamic, and collectives energies, like eclipse seasons, mercury retrogrades and moon cycles.

Because this is a special high vibe energy group, I'm only accepting a few members.

Join now for a special scholarship investment of $75/ month (valued at $250/ month) and lock in that rate through the end of 2024!

This is for you!

Join now for this deal and allllll that unconditional love and support!

How it works:

  + Akashic Records Readings x2 per month

 + In-person sessions on the 1st + 3rd Monday of each month

 +11am Eastern (subject to change as needed by the collective)

 + Live Zoom Sessions

 + Link to the recording for 2 weeks (until the next session)

 + Messages blasting in from unconditional love for just those subscribed 

  + Individual messages

  + Digestion together after the reading with the group

+ Support for EASE and FLOW on your highest best path from the Recordkeepers and Guides of the Akashic Records

About Vanessa Albury

Vanessa Albury is an eco-artist and spiritual coach life traveling the world living her dream life healing people and the planet through art and the oceans. As a professional artist since 2001 and with 60+ international exhibitions of her artwork, Albury has manifested success in a dream career most do not fathom possible.

She teaches workshops and courses to people of all ages from 2 to 82 with over 20 years of experience in education, art and healing. Vanessa channels powerful healing messages from unconditional love in the Akashic Records for the highest best of her clients. She also works with clients one-on-one on energy management, grounding and protection practices, and clearings of low vibrational energies. Albury teaches courses on sleep hygiene, the mirror exercise and how to read the Akashic Records. She loves seeing her clients accelerate in living the life of their DREAMS!

She has studied with spiritual leaders, healers and manifestation experts such as Master Sri Akarshana, Shaman Durek, Maureen St. Germain, and Lacy Philips of To Be Magnetic her entire life, since birth! Vanessa’s work has been featured in press outlets around the world such as Nylon Magazine, The Guardian, La Repubblica, the Art Newspaper, Hyperallergic, and the NY Times, to name a few. 

Her clients make lifetime shifts even in one session from immediate pain relief to becoming a dating magnet overnight to clarity on life’s purpose work with clear action steps. Albury credits all her achievements and insights to her commitment to god and the journey of self-love.


"The reading I received from Vanessa was nothing short of heart, soul and mind-blowing. I booked the reading out of a very intuitive moment and pure curiosity. What I received was life altering and brought me to tears. Vanessa's words touched me on a deep soul level. The message she had for me was so specific, it was shocking (in the best possible way). It was the initiating spark and the message that my soul needed, to finally move and do the things I really wanna do. I can highly recommend getting a reading with Vanessa. It was purely magical, powerful and transformational."

  • - Cora W. of California

"Vanessa has spent years becoming informed and tuning into her unique gifts that involve being able to read people energetically and offer advice. I invited her to teach a segment of my Herbalism Class wherein she discussed how to safely navigate energetic fields, creating boundaries and clearing energy. I highly recommend her work."
- Donna Cleary, Owner and Herbalist at Spiral Herbal Remedies, NYC

“I am pleasantly surprised and very grateful for feeling called to connect with Vanessa in a speaking event... and then working with her to help me claim what's already out there, pull that thing, that magic into my reality and my experience. She is very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and is fun to work with!”
- Himani Jane of Sales Queen for Group Coaching Programs, India

 "Doing an energy management session with Vanessa has been truly life changing. Since doing the grounding meditation every day the shift in my energy has been palpable. As well as getting rid of letters and items from ex's and clearing my space has truly helped me let go of my past and open up the space physically and energetically." 
- Ally H. of NYC

"I'm very grateful for you, Vanessa, thank you. I really am. You really helped me to move the needle big-time since we met (10 months ago.) You should know that."

- Deborah H. of NYC

vanessaalbury.com 2023 - All Rights Reserved.